Sunday, December 11, 2011

Consumer Robotics - NAO Robots

NAO Robots

Excellent personal robots. Looks like it is in the early stages of its development but it is a very handy tool for techies who wants to program their own commands in a robot. Aldebaran is the company investing in these technologies and it is definitely a thing for the next generation. The capabilities of this robots are amazing. You can visit for more details in the link below. I am trying to become one of the developer if i can afford the cost of the robot. From google, i found out that the approximate purchasing cost of NAO robot is 15,000 USD. But again they are very picky in selecting the developers for their robots. It is a very interesting sector to keep an eye on. I would love to have a robot at my home which can do some tedious works for me whenever i need him to do it. Aldebaran is a eight year old company, so looks like in next 10 years the cost of this robots will drive down to something which a lot of people can afford. I would like to have one of these, can't wait to learn more about these robots.

Monday, December 5, 2011


This Blog is for Robotics and Custom Automation, but i just finished reading a very interested book called Velocity which combines Lean, Six Sigma and Theory of constraints. I am a green belt in six sigma and never knew about theory of constraints, never heard or read about it. This book changed my views completely. This books explains following concepts very nicely:
- Batch and Queue
- Balanced and Unbalanced Line
- Pull and Push Model
- Drum Buffer Rope
- TI and OE. Correlation between Throughput, Inventory and Operating Expenses.
- Demand Pull Restocking concept
- Fixed time interval inventory system.
A must read book for any manufacturing related individuals who wants to understand what kind of concept needs to be implemented in which department in order to get the maximum throughput.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

CATIA - 3D Excellent Simulation Software

I know CATIA a little bit and i can say that it is one of the best entire package software available in the market. Please see the attached video. It is 3D simulation i have created when i was learning CATIA, it shows the excellent manner in which CATIA uses the constraints and runs the simulation to provide very detailed functionality of assembly. Enjoy the video: it is more than 100 MB please find it on
